We scale up clean cooling solutions.
Clean Cooling Collaborative (formerly K-CEP) is an initiative of ClimateWorks Foundation focused on transforming the cooling sector and making efficient, climate-friendly cooling for all a reality.
About us
Working collaboratively with our funding and implementing partners, we've supported gigaton-scale emissions reductions and improved access to clean cooling.
In 2021, we refreshed our strategy and updated our name to reflect our revised scope of work. As the Clean Cooling Collaborative, we will continue to build on our past efforts to place cooling on the global agenda by catalyzing organizations, companies, and governments to bring efficient, climate-friendly cooling policies, financing, and technology solutions to the world.
Our program team
Under the governance of its Funder Advisory Committee, the Clean Cooling Collaborative team sets the strategic framework of the program, oversees investment in cooling interventions, manages programmatic partnerships, and tracks progress against an established results framework.
The team aims to help partners maximize the climate and equity benefits of efficient, climate-friendly cooling.

Mirka della Cava
Mirka della Cava has returned to ClimateWorks Foundation, now serving as the Head of Policies, Standards and Programs for Clean Cooling Collaborative, managing a diverse grantee portfolio. Formerly, Mirka was a Senior Program Manager for the Colorado Energy Office, leading the state’s Energy Performance Contracting program. She also supported development of the state’s energy efficiency legislation, testifying on behalf of the New Appliance Energy and Water Efficiency Standards bill which was signed into law in May 2019. Mirka has been involved, both globally and domestically, in energy efficiency, climate change, and energy policy her entire career with senior positions at ClimateWorks Foundation, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the US EPA. Most recently, Mirka was honored to receive the Colorado Governor’s 2019 Public Service Recognition award. Mirka holds a Masters of International Affairs degree in Environmental Policy from Columbia University and a BA in Political Science from Duke University.

Noah Horowitz
Noah Horowitz is Director of the ClimateWorks Cooling Program. Before joining ClimateWorks, Noah’s work as a Senior Scientist with Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Director of the Center for Energy Efficiency Standards aimed to make buildings and the equipment inside them more energy efficient.
Noah has worked on the state, federal and international levels and his areas of expertise include residential lighting and appliances, consumer electronics, and energy-saving “cool” roofs. Noah co-authored model regulations issued by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) for use by developing countries for air conditioners and refrigeration equipment. He also served as the World-wide Manager of Environmental Programs for the Quaker Oats Company.
Noah holds a BS in chemical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a MS in environmental engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Xiaoyi Jin
Xiaoyi Jin joined ClimateWorks in 2018 and serves as a Program Manager for the Clean Cooling Collaborative (CCC). She manages CCC’s portfolio activities on passive cooling and access to cooling and co-leads exploratory work on sustainable agriculture cold chain.
Prior to ClimateWorks, Xiaoyi was a Program Associate at The Asia Foundation where she supported the Foundation’s annual planning and budget process and researched on international development aids to Advanced Middle-Income Countries (AMICs) in Asia.
Xiaoyi holds a Master of Development Practice degree from UC Berkeley’s College of Natural Resources and a BA in English from Shantou University in China.

Sneha Sachar
Sneha Sachar joins the Clean Cooling Collaborative team as Associate Director, India Cooling Lead to accelerate climate-friendly cooling in India and support CCC’s mission to advance climate-friendly cooling for all. Sneha comes to ClimateWorks with over 20 years of experience covering the intersection of built environment, energy efficiency, and climate change. She brings deep knowledge of the cooling sector, with a focus on developing countries including on-the-ground experience in significant policy-centric work in India. Most recently Sneha served as a cooling expert and consultant at leading non-profit organizations based in the U.S. and India, and as a part-time advisor to the CCC team. Sneha has a bachelors degree in architecture from the Institute of Environmental Design in India, an MBA from University of South Carolina, and a professional certification in Sustainability and Energy Policy from UC Berkeley.

Axum Teferra
Axum Teferra is Associate Director of Clean Cooling Collaborative at the ClimateWorks Foundation. She brings over a decade of experience in climate and energy policy, strategic planning, and program implementation.
Prior to joining ClimateWorks, Axum spent several years overseeing efficiency, renewable energy and electrification programs in state and regional government. Most recently, she was on the climate team at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, where she launched the agency’s first building-sector decarbonization strategy. Axum previously worked as Clean Energy Planner at the Metropolitan Area Planning Council of Greater Boston, producing energy-reduction plans and advising cities on various sustainability solutions, including clean heating and cooling technologies. She also served as an Industry and Innovation Support Consultant at the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, where she facilitated international cleantech partnerships.
She holds a BS in Environmental Conservation from Texas Tech University and an MA in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University.

Tao Wang
Tao Wang is a China Strategist at ClimateWorks Foundation, where he advises the organization and its partners on climate and energy philanthropy in China. Dr. Wang is also a guest lecturer at Tsinghua University.
Prior to joining ClimateWorks, Dr. Wang was assistant dean of the Yicai Research Institute; a scholar in the energy and climate program of Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy; senior program manager at World Wildlife Fund’s China program; and a researcher at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.
Dr. Wang holds a PhD in Environmental Economics from the University of York and a BA in Environmental Science from Fudan University. He is author of articles in journals such as Climate Policy, Energy Policy, and Science of the Total Environment, and is a regular contributor to the New York Times, Financial Times, the Diplomat, People’s Daily, China Daily, and other publications.
Implementing partners (2021-present)
You can find a complete list of our previous implementing partners here.
Funding partners
Through the generous support of our current and previous funding partners, we have advanced our mission to make efficient, climate-friendly cooling accessible to all.
You can find a complete list of our original funding partners here.
Our history and impact
In 2016, leading climate foundations collaborated ahead of the Montreal Protocol meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, pledging more than $50 million and creating the largest-ever fund for action on efficient, climate-friendly cooling. The following spring, the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) was born and charged with strategically programming interventions for the funds under a directive to advance appliance efficiency reforms alongside efforts to support the implementation of the new global phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under the Kigali Amendment.
Since then, and with the support of our implementing and funding partners, we have secured sizable greenhouse gas emissions reductions and helped place cooling on the global agenda.
Read our 2017-2021 impact report to find out how we created a lasting and meaningful impact to ensure efficient, climate-friendly cooling for all.